Friday, April 16, 2010

Dinner for Algernon

I think I've talked to most of you, but we'll be hosting this dinner at our place on Saturday May 1st at 6:30 to discuss Flowers for Algernon. We'll be doing Raclette grill, basically this is a table top grill with meat, veggies etc. We'll provide kielbasa and will provide the bread and cheese for dipping, we'll also provide peppers for our veggie. If each of you will bring one type of raw meat (chicken, shrimp or steak) prepared or marinated however you like (you could do a couple of different marinades or just one, whatever you prefer). You don't need to have a lot of meat, 1-2 chicken breasts would be the right portion size for example. You can also bring a vegetable if you feel so inclined. Let's see, we've historically done onions, zucchini, mushrooms, pineapple,canned potatoes (fresh take forever to grill). But you can try anything you think sounds good grilled! Any questions, let us know!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Winner

We have our book for next month's book club it'll be .... Flowers for Algernon. Date and details to come, but for now, happy reading!